• Jul 29, 2018

Content marketing is crucial for home builders, but it can be challenging to constantly come up with new ideas for fresh content that will engage website visitors and get shared in social media. Here are 16 content creation ideas for home builders that you can implement right now!


Have you ever been drawn in by a list on websites like BuzzFeed? If not, here’s an example of what I mean: “The 16 Most Annoying Things That People on ‘House Hunters’ Say.” People love to browse – and SHARE – these kinds of lists. Why? Because lists simplify information, save time, and are visually appealing and engaging. Because of this, lists can drive a lot of traffic to your website when people share them in their social networks. Lists that are full of home design images are especially great for getting attention on Pinterest. Luckily, there is an easy, turn-key way to create an attractive list on your website. Simply use PlayBuzz to create the list, and then embed the customized code that PlayBuzz provides for each list into a blog post on your website. Just a note: before you retrieve the embed code, be sure to uncheck all the offered options such as allowing PlayBuzz to recommend other lists to your readers. By unchecking all these options and then retrieving the embed code, it will make your list look more attractive and it won’t prompt people to leave your website.

home builder content marketingHere are suggestions for lists your audience might enjoy and share with others. Pinterest is a good place to get additional ideas and to find great images for your lists. Once you create your list in a blog post, share that blog post within your social network and watch the magic happen! 

  • Top 10 Kitchen Design Trends of 2014
  • 10 Items on Every Home Buyer’s Wish List
  • 10 Awesome Design Ideas for Nurseries
  • Top 10 Home Color Trends for 2014
  • 10 Dream Bathrooms for Your Custom Home


Create a video series called, “Ten Things Every Home Buyer Must Know.” Create a one or two minute video for each of the most common questions you hear from prospects and clients. If you don’t think you can create a series of ten, decrease the number. We suggest at least three. Here’s how this video strategy benefits you.

  • A separate video for each question allows viewers to quickly find the information they are looking for.
  • Videos on your website make visitors remain on your site longer. The longer they stay, and the more educated they get, the further along in the decision-making process they get.
  • A series of videos on the same topic will encourage interested viewers to view multiple videos.
  • This strategy demonstrates you are a true expert in home building.


Here is a list of blog topics you can write about immediately.

  • 5 Secrets to Designing Your Dream House
  • 5 Reasons People Choose to Buy New Homes Over Existing Homes
  • The Top 5 Design Trends of 2014
  • 5 Tips for Ensuring a Smooth Home Building Process
  • Why [Insert Your City/Area Here] is a Great Place to Raise a Family


Here’s a list of topics for which you could create a free, downloadable e-book offer immediately. Don’t forget to require website visitors to provide their contact information before they download. This way you’ll be able to follow-up with them as prospects.

  • Local Market Analysis
  • Home Buyer’s Guide
  • Local School District Information
  • Tips for First-Time Home Buyers
  • How to Choose the Right Custom Home Builder

Have you implemented some unique home builder content creation ideas? Share them with us in the comments section!